.accdb files

.csv files

.db files

.dbc files

.dbf files

.html files

.mdb files

.sch files

.udl files

.wj2 files

.wk1 files

.xls files

.xlsb files

.xlsm files

.xlsx files

.xml files

64-bit vs 32-bit

ACCDB files

action file

activating the software

Adaptive Server Anywhere


advantages for registered users

alternate row color (HTML export)

alternate row color (PDF export)

alternate row color (RTF export)

alternate row color (XLSX export)


application workspace

auto-scrolling large dataset

auto-sizing a column's width

available functions

available types of databases

backing up the application workspace

batch insert


BLOBs auto-detection

boolean data

CDATA attribute in XML export

calculated fields

cell range name

changing heights of rows

column descriptions

command line generation

command line usage

command separator

commit interval (exporting to databases)

commit interval (exporting to SQL script)

conditional highlighting

connection strings

copy data to clipboard

creating databases

creating schema for a text table

creating tables

CSV files

data export recommendations

data functions

data source types

database engines

database grid shortcut keystrokes

database interface

database navigator

databases queries

DB files

DB2 databases

dBase encoding

dBase export

dBase files

dBase version

DBC files

DBF files

DBML format

dragging files into Exportizer

draw cells borders

duplicating records

dynamic expressions

environment options

error handling

error logs

example of using template

examples of connection strings

example of data migration from PostgreSQL to Oracle

example of exporting BLOB data to individual files

example of exporting data from CSV to DBF

example of exporting data from dBase to SQL script

example of exporting data from Excel to Firebird

example of exporting data from Paradox to Access

example of exporting data from SQLite to Excel

executing custom SQL queries

export action

export all tables

export formats

export mode (exporting to custom format)

export mode (exporting to databases)

export mode (exporting to dBase)

export mode (exporting to Excel)

export mode (exporting to HTML)

export mode (exporting to JSON)

export mode (exporting to PDF)

export mode (exporting to RTF)

export mode (exporting to SQL script)

export mode (exporting to text or CSV)

export open datasets

export options

export record range (exporting to custom format)

export record range (exporting to databases)

export record range (exporting to dBase)

export record range (exporting to Excel)

export record range (exporting to HTML)

export record range (exporting to JSON)

export record range (exporting to PDF)

export record range (exporting to RTF)

export record range (exporting to SQL script)

export record range (exporting to text or CSV)

export selected tables

export step number

export to custom format

export to databases

export to dBase

export to Excel (XLS)

export to Excel (XLSX)

export to Excel (OLE)

export to Excel (XML-based)

export to HTML

export to JSON

export to PDF

export to RTF

export to SQL script

export to SYLK

export to text or CSV

export to Word (OLE)

export to XML

export definitions file

exporting calculated fields

exporting data

exporting large datasets

exporting structure to DBML

exporting workspace

Exportizer Enterprise

Exportizer Pro

expression engine

expression functions

field mappings

field mappings file

filter options

filtering data

find text in database

Firebird databases

FoxPro files

freezing columns from scrolling


hiding columns

home page

how to buy Exportizer Pro or Exportizer Enterprise

HTML encoding

HTML export

HTML files

HTML table id

HTML template

importing data

importing workspace

increasing row heights

incrementing field values


Ingres databases

initial actions


Interbase databases


interface options


limit the number of records to export (exporting to custom format)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to databases)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to dBase)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to Excel)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to HTML)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to JSON)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to PDF)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to RTF)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to SQL script)

limit the number of records to export (exporting to text or CSV)

live data window

logical operators

Lotus files

MariaDB databases

mathematical functions

MDB files

memory saving mode

Microsoft Access 2007+ databases

Microsoft Access databases

Microsoft Excel 2007+ workbooks (.xlsx; .xlsb; .xlsm)

Microsoft Excel workbooks (.xls)

migrating Exportizer to another computer

multiple record view

multi-command SQL scripts

multi-table databases

MySQL databases

open target (from command line)

open target (from GUI)

opening Adaptive Server Anywhere databases

opening CSV files

opening databases

opening DB2 databases

opening dBase (DBF) files

opening Firebird databases

opening FoxPro (DBF) files

opening HTML files

opening Informix databases

opening Ingres databases

opening Interbase databases

opening Lotus (WJ2; WK1) files

opening Microsoft Access 2007+ databases

opening Microsoft Access databases

opening Microsoft Excel 2007+ workbooks (.xlsx; .xlsb; .xlsm)

opening Microsoft Excel workbooks (.xls)

opening MariaDB databases

opening MySQL databases

opening Oracle databases

opening Paradox (DB) files

opening Pervasive PSQL databases

opening PostgreSQL databases

opening SQL Server databases

opening SQLBase databases

opening Sybase databases

opening tables

opening text files

opening UDL files

opening Visual FoxPro databases (.dbc)

opening XML files


Oracle databases

output options

overwrite prompt (exporting to custom format)

overwrite prompt (exporting to databases)

overwrite prompt (exporting to dBase)

overwrite prompt (exporting to Excel)

overwrite prompt (exporting to HTML)

overwrite prompt (exporting to JSON)

overwrite prompt (exporting to PDF)

overwrite prompt (exporting to RTF)

overwrite prompt (exporting to SQL script)

overwrite prompt (exporting to text or CSV)


page output sequence

Paradox files

parameterized queries

parameters of command line

pasting cells from clipboard

PDF format

Pervasive PSQL databases

performance of data exporting

PostgreSQL databases

printing data

quote character

rearranging columns

registered databases

registering the application

restoring the application workspace

rows per sheet

SCH files



searching data

select tables mode

selected tables

selecting column range to export (exporting to databases)

selecting column range to export (exporting to dBase)

selecting column range to export (exporting to Excel)

selecting column range to export (exporting to HTML)

selecting column range to export (exporting to JSON)

selecting column range to export (exporting to PDF)

selecting column range to export (exporting to RTF)

selecting column range to export (exporting to SQL script)

selecting column range to export (exporting to text or CSV)

selecting group of records

selecting record range to export (exporting to custom format)

selecting record range to export (exporting to databases)

selecting record range to export (exporting to dBase)

selecting record range to export (exporting to Excel)

selecting record range to export (exporting to HTML)

selecting record range to export (exporting to JSON)

selecting record range to export (exporting to PDF)

selecting record range to export (exporting to RTF)

selecting record range to export (exporting to SQL script)

selecting record range to export (exporting to text or CSV)

sheet name

shortcut keystrokes

showing hidden columns

silent mode

single record view

software activation

sorting data

specification of the command line

SQL Anywhere

SQL queries

SQL Server databases

SQL statistics

SQLBase databases

statement type

switches of command line

Sybase databases

system requirements

table description (exporting to databases)

table description (exporting to SQL script)

table mappings

table mappings file

target formats

template file

text export schema

text files

text tables

UDL files


using raw data (exporting to Excel)

using raw data (exporting to JSON)

using raw data (exporting to HTML)

using templates

viewing graphic data

viewing MEMO data

Visual FoxPro databases (.dbc)

WJ2 files

WK1 files

working with command line

working with database


XLS files

XLSB files

XLSM files

XLSX files

XML encoding

XML files

XML schema

XSL schema