Exporting a very large table or query result from a database to another database may require non-standard approaches.
By default, all databases records from the source table are allocated in the operating memory. For some database types or used database engines, it is done immediately after opening the table; for others, the records are fetched from the server and kept in the local computer memory during the exporting. And if you don't have enough RAM to allocate all source records, you run into out of memory error, the the application crashes and you can loose some part of already exported data.
Another problem can be with the target part of your export process. If you turn off the Memory saving mode option, the exported records are allocated in the operating memory too! But this problem is easy solvable: just turn the mentioned option on.
To solve the problem with source part, you could try the following solutions in Exportizer.
Solution 1. Using Live Data Window
Available in Exportizer Enterprise. It is very easy to do, but can slow down the exporting process. The source table must be opened in so called Live Data Window mode. In this mode, only small part of source records are kept in memory. After this part has been exported, the memory is freed, and next part of records is fetched/loaded. This way works for databases, opened by FD engine; it does not work for SQL queries.
If you want to do this from GUI, open your source database using FD engine, then right-click the needed table and choose Open in Live Data Window Mode. After opening the table, click Export and make regular export steps.
Note: Try to play with Fetch size environment option to find the optimal performance. Usually, the number of records allocated in one data window equals to 2 * fetch size.
If you want to do this from the command line, it is important to use the following parameters:
- /SrcDBInterface=FD
- /SrcTableName=your_table_name
- /LiveDataWindow
- /FetchSize=your_fetch_size (optional)
Solution 2. Using SQL to Divide the Source Data
Available in Exportizer Pro and Exportizer Enterprise. It can be very efficient, but requires some preparation. The idea is to divide the source records to several parts and export them separately, each part at a time (i.e. iteratively). You have to write a SQL query for each iteration. This way, you can export either one table or even results of a complex SQL query.
The key point is choosing how to divide. The recommended way is to use the primary key, i.e. specify a filter condition based on values in the table primary key column(s), for example:
/*1st iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id BETWEEN 0 AND 10000;
/*2nd iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id BETWEEN 10001 AND 20000;
/*3rd iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id BETWEEN 20001 AND 30000;
and so on.
If the source table does not have a primary key, or when you are exporting the result of a complex query, try to use some other filter condition, which effectively selects different parts of the source records:
/*1st iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ClientName LIKE 'A%';
/*2nd iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ClientName LIKE 'B%';
/*3rd iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ClientName LIKE 'C%';
and so on. Consider using indexes etc.
Some databases (e.g. Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc) allow to effectively divide the source table by internal row numbers. Here is how to do this for SQL Server:
/*1st iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY SomeColumn OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 2000000 ROWS ONLY;
/*2nd iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY SomeColumn OFFSET 2000000 ROWS FETCH NEXT 2000000 ROWS ONLY;
/*3rd iteration*/ SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY SomeColumn OFFSET 4000000 ROWS FETCH NEXT 2000000 ROWS ONLY;
and so on.
Important: For the target part, in 2nd and next iterations, do not forget to specify APPEND export mode. It allows to add new records to the existing target table.
Executing from GUI
- Open the source database.
- Click SQL Editor button. Execute the next steps as many times as number of iterations you need.
- In SQL editor, type the SQL query of the current iteration and click Execute Query button.
- Click Last Record button above the table. This will fetch all records to the client side, so the exporting will be done faster.
- Click Export button.
- Go to the Database tab and select your target database.
- Specify a target table. Turn on all available Memory saving mode options.
- Choose the correct Export mode. For the first iteration, if the target table already exists and must be cleared before the exporting, choose EMPTY+INSERT; for all other cases, choose APPEND.
- Click Export.
Executing from the command line
You need to create a separate SQL file and a separate command line for each export iteration. So, create the SQL files with correct queries for each iteration and name them, for example, MyQuery1.sql, MyQuery2.sql, and so on, according to the numbers of iterations.
You can build your command line either manually using specification from the documentation, or in a few clicks from the GUI. In the latter case, just use the steps above (for GUI), with slight changes: at the 2nd step, load the SQL text from file instead of typing it manually; at the 4th step, click Build Command Line button instead of Export button. Save the built command line, for example, to the .bat file.
Then, you can repeat this for each iteration. Or just copy the built command line as many times as number of iterations; in each copied command line, replace the SQL file name with correct path for its iteration and specify correct export mode as described above. Place the created command lines to the .bat file and start your export process.
Please remember, that you can also create your command lines as action files, one action file per iteration. Below, there are examples of action files for exporting a large dataset from PostgreSQL database to Firebird database:
;1st iteration
;for the 1st iteration, if the existing target must be cleared, use EMPTY+INSERT export mode
;otherwise, use APPEND export mode
/SrcVendorLibrary=C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\libpq.dll
/TrgVendorLibrary=C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\fbclient.dll
/TrgDB=C:\My Firebird database\CLIENTS.FDB
;2nd iteration
;for 2nd and next iterations, use APPEND export mode
/SrcVendorLibrary=C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\libpq.dll
/TrgVendorLibrary=C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\fbclient.dll
/TrgDB=C:\My Firebird database\CLIENTS.FDB
;Nth iteration
;for 2nd and next iterations, use APPEND export mode
/SrcVendorLibrary=C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\libpq.dll
/TrgVendorLibrary=C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\fbclient.dll
/TrgDB=C:\My Firebird database\CLIENTS.FDB
And your .bat file should contain something like this:
REM 1st iteration
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Vitalii Levchenko\Exportizer Pro 9\exptizer.exe" /ActionFile=C:\MyExportFiles\Postgres-to-Firebird\Action1.txt
REM 2nd iteration
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Vitalii Levchenko\Exportizer Pro 9\exptizer.exe" /ActionFile=C:\MyExportFiles\Postgres-to-Firebird\Action2.txt
REM Nth iteration
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Vitalii Levchenko\Exportizer Pro 9\exptizer.exe" /ActionFile=C:\MyExportFiles\Postgres-to-Firebird\ActionN.txt
See also
Practical Cases
- Exporting Large Tables
- Exporting Calculated Fields
- Exporting BLOBs to Individual Files
- Exporting to HTML Using Template
- Importing Database Files from Explorer