To copy or export the data from opened dataset(s), use Export button or items from Export menu, where several export actions are available:

Exportizer Export Menu

When you select an action, Export dialog window will appear. Go through the steps and click the corresponding button to perform selected action. If Build Command Line action was selected, you will see the command line, which can be then copied and used, for example, in batch files. In other cases, the data will be copied or exported to the specified target.

Data Export Options

Target Formats and Format Specific Options

Table and Field Mappings

Logs and Error Handling

GUI options

Close this window after clicking Export/Copy/Build

When you select this option, the export dialog will be closed right after you click Export/Copy/Build button; otherwise, the export dialog will remain open even when your action is done and you will be able to quickly change the options and repeat your action. This option is available only if you export data from one table.

Open target after successful exporting

When you select this option, and the export operation was successful, then the target is opened by software, which is set as default software for the target type.

In multi-table exporting, it works differently depending on the target type:

  • when exporting to HTML, and Create index file option is turned on, the index.html file (it contains hyperlinks to all exported files) is opened;
  • when exporting to a server or multi-table file database, the last table is opened;
  • for other cases, each exported file is opened.

See also