Here you will find information about databases: how to create and open them, how to prepare their data for exporting, and how to export.

Creating Databases

Opening Databases

Opening Datasets

SQL Query Tool

Registered Databases

Once the dataset is opened, you may want to prepare its data for exporting (e.g. edit, sort, filter etc.).

To start editing the dataset data (if it not a read only dataset), just type your text in the corresponding cell of the database grid. You can cancel changes (before they posted to database) by pressing ESC.

The Database Navigator tool allows browsing, editing, and refreshing data, selecting rows, freezing columns, switch to single row view and back:

Its functions are also available in keyboard.

See also

Shortcut keystrokes

Here are described important Exportizer features, which lets you work with data in the most convenient and easiest way:

Database Grid

Filtering Data

Searching Text

Special Data Functions

When working with databases, don't forget to check sometimes the status line to learn dynamic information, which can be useful for you:

Status bar

The status line areas are:

1. Hint.
2. Record number / record count.
3. Field count.
4. Database engine, type, and name of the opened table.

Exporting Data

Importing Data

Dragging Files

Data Export Recommendations

Opening databases and data exporting can be done through command line.

Command Line Usage

Opened datasets can be printed.

Printing Data

See also