Exportizer shows data in a powerful database grid, which allows viewing and editing data in the most convenient way.

Single Record View

The data in the grid can be presented in two views: multiple records view, where you see field (column) names in the top row and data records in other rows, and single record view (often called as vertical grid), where you see the selected record in two columns: field (column) names to the left and field (column) values to the right. To toggle between these modes, use the corresponding button of the main window or the button in the top-left corner of the grid.

Table in the multiple records mode:

Table in the multiple record mode

Table in the single record mode:

Table in the single record mode

Summarizing Selected Cells

When you select a range of cells by mouse, the application automatically summarizes the cell values and shows the result in the status bar. For numeric cells, it includes count, sum, average value, minimum value, maximum value. For other cells, the count of selected cells is shown.

Summarizing selected cells

Checking Column Type

To quickly view field name and type for any column, just move mouse over the column title. This works, if Column Hints option is set.

Showing field name and type in the multiple records mode:

Showing field name and type in the multiple record mode

Showing field name and type in the single record mode:

Showing field name and type in the single record mode

Viewing Large Text

To quickly view contents of CLOB/MEMO (large text) field or any field, which data does not fit the database grid cell, just move mouse over the cell. This works, if Data Hints option is set.

Showing contents of MEMO field:

Showing contents of MEMO field

Showing data which does not fit the cell:

Showing data which does not fit the cell

Viewing and Editing Boolean Data

Boolean data are shown as check-boxes. To edit such data, just click the center of the cell, press Space key or simply type 'False' or 'True'.

Showing boolean data:

Showing boolean data

Data Ordering

To sort the data by any column, just click the column title. To sort in descending order, simply click it again. To sort by several columns, click their titles in needed order holding SHIFT down. Note: This feature works the field is included in index or if such sorting is supported by used database server or database engine (database interface).

Sorting data:

Sorting data

Rearranging Columns

To rearrange columns, just click the column title and move it to new place holding left mouse button down.

Freezing Columns

To freeze any column (to prevent its horizontal scrolling), use Tools | Freeze or Unfreeze column menu or the corresponding button .

Selecting Multiple Records

To select group of records, use Tools | Select Records menu or the corresponding button .

Auto-scrolling Data

To auto-scroll the table, click mouse wheel and than slightly move the mouse in the needed direction. This will cause the data to be scrolled automatically. To stop auto-scrolling, just press any key or click the mouse button. This feature is useful for large databases.



Expanding Rows

To expand rows (i.e. increase row heights), roll the mouse wheel holding SHIFT down. This lets you viewing long text, CLOB, or graphic data. Pressing + or - on numeric keypad holding CTRL down does the same.

Expanding rows:

Increasing row heights

Graphic Data in Database Grid

Graphic data are stored in binary large object (BLOB) fields. But BLOB fields can contain not only graphic data, but different types of data. Paradox graphic fields are usually interpreted as fields for bitmap images. For other types of BLOB fields, Exportizer in some cases can automatically detect the actual type of data in those fields and show this data properly. Note, that it can automatically detect only several graphic formats (bitmap, metafile, icon, JPEG, PNG) and some other formats (for example, RTF) and only if the data contains all needed information (e.g. headers) for this.

When the data type is successfully detected, the Exportizer data grids show the corresponding images directly in data cells (if the corresponding option was set in Options | Environment | View).

Showing graphic data

Database Grid and Clipboard

To copy, cut, or paste entire content of a cell, focus a needed cell and use key combinations CTRL+C, CTRL+X, CTRL+V, respectively.

Copying entire cell


To copy, cut, or paste partial content of a cell, focus a needed cell, activate cell editing mode (by double-clicking it or pressing F2), and then work with cell text as you do in word processor.


To copy selected cells, select the needed cell range from visible area of database grid by mouse and press CTRL+C.

Copying cells to clipboard

To paste cells from clipboard, focus a cell in the upper-left corner of the paste range and press CTRL+ALT+V.

Pasting cells from clipboard:


Pasting cells from clipboard

Hiding a Column

To temporary hide selected column, press CTRL+H. To show hidden column, right-click the database grid, choose Show Hidden Column from the context menu and choose hidden column's field name. To show all hidden columns, press CTRL+ALT+H.

Auto-Sizing Column Width by Content

To auto-size a column's width depending on its content, double-click the right edge of its header (like you do in Excel). To auto-size all columns, double-click the right edge of any column's header holding Ctrl down.

Fine-Tuning Column Width

To fine-tune the column width, press left (decreases the width by one pixel) or right (increases the width by one pixel) arrow holding Shift down.

See also