
CtrL + O Show 'Open database' dialog
CtrL + S Show Export dialog (only if source database table is open)
CtrL + P Show Print table dialog (only if source database table is open)
F9 Execute SQL query (if SQL editor is shown). If there is a selected text fragment in the editor, then only the selected SQL text is executed.
F8 Execute current SQL query (if SQL editor is shown). Current query is the query containing the current caret position. If there are SQL statement separators (semicolons) in the SQL text, the current query is limited to the text between such separators.
CtrL + F5 Duplicate current field value
CtrL + ALT + V Paste column cells from clipboard
Shift + CtrL + 0 Set bookmark on current record
CtrL + 0 Move to bookmarked record
Alt + H Hide current column
CtrL + Alt + H Show all columns
F1 Show documentation

Database grid

Multiple record mode Single record mode
Up Arrow Move to the previous row. In Select Group of Records mode, select it. Move to the previous field.
SHIFT + Up Arrow In Select Group of Records mode, select the previous row without deselecting the current one.  
CtrL + Up Arrow, CtrL + Page Up Move to the first row in the grid. Deselect any selected rows. Move to the first field.
Down Arrow Move to the next row. In Select Group of Records mode, select it. Move to the next field.
SHIFT + Down Arrow In Select Group of Records mode, select the next row without deselecting the current one.  
CtrL + Down Arrow, CtrL + Page Down Move to the last row in the grid. Deselect any selected rows. Move to the last field.
Page Up Move up by the number of records shown in the grid. Deselect any selected rows. Move up by the number of fields shown in the grid.
SHIFT + Page Up In Select Group of Records mode, select up the number of records shown in the grid. Move up by the number of fields shown in the grid.
Page Down Move down by the number of records shown in the grid. Deselect any selected rows. Move down by the number of fields shown in the grid.
SHIFT + Page Down In Select Group of Records mode, select down the number of records shown in the grid. Move down by the number of fields shown in the grid.
Left Arrow Move left one column. In Select Group of Records mode, move to the previous row without selecting it.  
CtrL + Left Arrow Move to the first column in the current row.  
Right Arrow Move right one column. In Select Group of Records mode, move to the next row without selecting it.  
CtrL + Right Arrow Move to the last column in the current row.  
Home Move to the first column of the current row. In Select Group of Records mode or the grid has only one column, move to the first record in the dataset. Deselect any selected rows.  
CtrL + Home Move to the first record in the dataset. Deselect any selected rows. Move to the first field.
SHIFT + Home In Select Group of Records mode, move to the first record in the dataset and select all rows between the current and the first ones.  
End Move to the last column of the current row. In Select Group of Records mode or the grid has only one column, move to the last record in the dataset. Deselect any selected rows.  
CtrL + End Move to the last record in the dataset. Deselect any selected rows. Move to the last field.
SHIFT + End In Select Group of Records mode, move to the last record in the dataset and select all rows between the current and the last ones.  
Tab Move to the next cell in the grid. Move to the next field.
SHIFT+ Tab Move to the previous cell in the grid.  
CtrL + Delete Delete the current selection.  
Insert Insert a new row above the current one, and move to it. Deselect any selected rows. Insert a new record in the table, and move to it.
Escape Cancel any unposted edits. Deselect any selected rows. Cancel any unposted edits.
F2 Put the current cell in edit mode. Put the current cell in edit mode.
CtrL + SHIFT + 0 Set bookmark on current row.  
CtrL + 0 Go to bookmark.  
CtrL + mouse wheel Like Page Up, Page Down.  
SHIFT + mouse wheel Increase / decrease row heights. Use for viewing long text (including MEMO) or graphic data. CtrL + Add/Substruct keys (numeric keypad) does the same.  
Mouse wheel click Move to the autoscrolling mode.  
CtrL + F5 Copy value of selected field, move to next record and then set the value of selected field to copied value.  
CtrL + I, CtrL + ALT + I Copy value of selected field, move to next record and then set the value of selected field to copied value, incremented by 1 (CtrL + I) or by custom number (CtrL + ALT + I).  
CtrL + ALT + V Paste cells from clipboard starting fromcurrent cell. Carriage return character is used to separate rows and a tab character is used to separate columns. This function is useful to paste tabular data, which was previously copied in Exportizer or other application (for example, Microsoft Excel).  
CtrL + H Hide current column.  
CtrL + ALT + H Show all columns.  
CtrL + C Copy text of selected cell. Copy text of selected cell.
CtrL + V Paste text from clipboard to selected cell. Paste text from clipboard starting from selected cell.
CtrL + X Cut text to clipboard from selected cell. Cut text to clipboard from selected cell.