There is a set of interface and export options, which are available under Options | Environment... menu.
Window background color - specify background color of all Exportizer windows.
Button hints - set this option to view button hint, when mouse is over the button. If not set, you still can view the hint in the left part of the status bar.
Column hints - set this option to view column hint, when mouse is over the column title. This hint shows the actual name and type of database field of the column.
Data hints - set this option to view data hint, when mouse is over the grid cell and text of the cell does not fit the cell. It is useful to view data of MEMO / CLOB fields or long text data.
Flat tool buttons - set this option to change the 3D view of tool buttons in Exportizer interface.
Auto-detect BLOB types - when this option is set, Exportizer tries to detect the actual data type of BLOB fields in each record and show the data depending on this data type. Using this option may decrease performance, so it is not recommended for large BLOBs. Note, that Exportizer can automatically detect only several graphic formats (bitmap, metafile, icon, JPEG, GIF, PNG) and some other formats (for example, RTF) and only if the data contains all needed information for this.
Show Memo (long text) data - when this option is set, Exportizer always shows content of Memo fields in data grids; otherwise, the data of such fields can be shown either when the mouse is over the data cell or when the height of rows in the grid is increased. Using this option may decrease performance when browsing large tables.
Data Grids
Here, you specify how data grids should look.
Trim trailing spaces - specify either to trim trailing spaces and control characters when working with data aware controls (e.g. grids). This option affects only char and varchar data.
Show table partitions in table list - specify either to show PostgreSQL table partitions in the list of tables. In PostgreSQL databases, table partitions (declarative partitioning) are functioning like separate tables, so sometimes it could be useful to see them in the table list for easier access.
Case sensitivity in filter - set this option to specify that the literal strings in the filter are compared to string-valued fields case-sensitively. This option does not work for ADO connections.
Partial comparing in filter - set this option to specify that the strings in filter condition that end in an asterisk signify a partial string match with the asterisk matching any number of characters. This option does not work for ADO connections.
Use server output - specify whether to use server output (FD connections only). Server output is supported by several DBMS (e.g. Oracle or PostgreSQL). Note: for some DBMS, using server output may require additional server round trips.
Fetch size - specify the count of records to fetch at a single fetch operation for FD datasets. This option affects the dataset opening time and the speed of exporting. Try to play with it to find the optimal performance for your environment. This option is available in Exportizer Enterprise only.
Data Exporting
Classic interface - when this option is set, the application uses the legacy interface for data exporting (with a separate control for each setting); otherwise (default), the grid interface is used (all settings are combined in one grid). The classic interface uses a bit more memory and is loaded a bit slower, but all other things are rather a matter of personal preference. Probably, the grid interface can be found useful by advanced users, while the classic interface is for novices. You can compare both interfaces.
Suggest folder of source database - when this option is set, the application in it's Save dialog will suggest the folder of source database to export files to; otherwise, the default folder will be suggested (usually last used folder); anyway, you can change the folder for exporting directly in the Save dialog.
Code Editors
Here, you specify the font, background and foreground colors for different code elements of the application code editors (SQL editors and expression editors).
Creating schema for text table (if does not exist) - when this option is set, and the user tries to open text table without the schema of field definitions, a prompt appears asking whether to create the schema.
Using Create_Or_Replace export mode - when this option is set, and the user tries to export data using Create_Or_Replace export mode (which exports only structure), a prompt appears asking whether to continue with this export mode.
Automatically check for updates - when this option is set, the application will automatically check for updates. It requires Internet connection to check for updates.
Online Help - turn this option on to use the online Help system instead of the local Help file (internet connection is required). Alternatively, you can download the Help file from Exportizer website, unpack it to the application folder and turn this option off. In the latter case, you might need to update the local file from time to time to keep it up-to-date, for example, when a new software version is published; the software will notify you when the new help file is available on the site if the Automatically check for updates option is turned on. Note: online Help is only applies to the latest software version.