Database Software

Exportizer Screenshots

Here, we describe and show the most interesting and powerful parts of Exportizer GUI.

[Click images to enlarge them]

Export to a Database

In Exportizer Pro and Exportizer Enterprise, in addition to exporting data to different file formats, you can also export to relational databases: either to the same database or to another one. It can be Access to SQL Server, Interbase to Oracle, CSV to PostgreSQL, or almost any other database-to-database conversion.

Exporting to database (PostgreSQL)

There is a set of database specific export options. For example, Export mode controls the export actions:

REPLACE+INSERT Target table is created and filled with incoming rows; if target table already exists, it is overwritten.
CREATE/REPLACE Blank target table (using appropriate structure) is created; if target already exists, it is overwritten.
APPEND Target table is appended with incoming rows; if target table does not exist, it is created.
EMPTY+INSERT Target table is emptied before inserting incoming rows; if target table does not exist, it is created.
UPDATE The records in the target table that match incoming records, are replaced with incoming records.
APPEND+UPDATE The records in the target table that match incoming records, are replaced with incoming records. Unmatched incoming records are appended to the target table.
DELETE The records in the target table that match incoming records, are deleted.

Exportizer Enterprise has a powerful Batch mode option which can increase the speed of the data transmission for some database types up to several hundred times.

Export Several Tables to One File

In Exportizer Enterprise, you can export a set of selected tables at a time. They can be exported either to files or to a database of your choice.

When exporting the tables to files, you can choose either to export them to different files (one table per file) or to one target file. The latter option is available for XLSX, HTML, and RTF destination formats.

To export multiple tables to another database (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, Access, SQLite etc.), pick Database target format and choose the needed destination database.

Exporting several tables to one file

Export Huge Tables

In many export tools, exporting huge tables requires extensive memory usage and can sometimes cause the operating memory overflow and the application crash.

Exportizer Enterprise can solve this by utilizing a Live Data Window mode. In this mode, only current screen of records is kept in memory, and memory usage does not increase when scrolling and exporting the table. This mode not always can be applied and works slower but can help in most cases.

For other solutions, please see in Exportizer documentation new tab.

Exporting huge tables

Field Mappings

Before exporting data, it is possible to specify the mappings between source and target fields.

Here, you can also add custom calculated fields and even specify an individual destination file for each source field. For some export formats (e.g. Excel or HTML), it is possible to add expressions for calculating column totals. [Pro, Enterprise]

If you remove any mapping from the list, the corresponding item will not be exported.

If you skip this step, the software builds the mappings itself according to destination file format or database type.

Field mappings for Access to PostgreSQL exporting

When exporting to relational databases, this data export tool can convert the source column types to target column types (see example of Access to PostgreSQL data migration on the screenshot). But anyway, it is possible to specify full target columns' specifications manually. [Pro, Enterprise]

The field mappings can be saved to file and loaded from file.

Table Mappings

When exporting multiple tables, it is possible to specify the mappings between the source and target database tables. [Enterprise]

If you skip this step, the software builds the table mappings automatically according to destination type.

For each pair of the source and target tables, the corresponding field mappings can be added.

The table mappings along with the associated field mappings can be saved to file and loaded from file.

Table mappings for SQLite to PostgreSQL exporting

Export Images and Other Blob Data

Exportizer Pro and Exportizer Enterprise can automatically detect the most known image types (JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, ICO) in BLOB fields of the source database and export them, for example, to HTML, Excel, RTF etc. They can also convert image format on the fly.

There is a possibility to export Blob data (images, large text, etc) into separate files in one export operation. In general, you can export each field in each record to an individual file.

to HTML: Exporting images from Access to HTML
to RTF: Exporting images from Access to RTF

Export Data to HTML Using Template

Using HTML template allows producing highly customizable output, therefore target HTML file can be used directly in frontend without any further tuning.

Export from dBase to HTML using template

Export Dialog

It is possible to choose the output format and specify many common export options as long as options specific to selected target format.

Once you prepared a working export configuration, you can save it to file for future use.

Data Export dialog

Export Dialog (Exportizer Enterprise)

Exportizer Enterprise allows to export data to wide range of relational database formats directly (without ODBC bridge). It supports data exporting in batch mode which can speed up the process drastically.

Exportizer Enterprise is the recommended solution to work with large amounts of data in Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Interbase and some other types of databases.

Data Export dialog

Selecting Data Source

In Select Data Source dialog, you choose the database engine which you want to use for opening your data source and the data source. The data source can be a folder with data files (e.g. .dbf or .csv), multi-table database file [Pro, Enterprise], ODBC DSN [Pro, Enterprise], ADO connection string [Enterprise] etc.

Some database types can be opened by different database engines. For example, Oracle databases can be opened by FD [Enterprise], ADO, or BDE. We recommend to use FD whenever possible, but you might want to try different engines and compare which is better for your work.

Choosing a database to open

SQL Query Tool

Exportizer Pro and Exportizer Enterprise contain a built-in tool, which allows you to write and execute custom database queries. The result of the SQL query can be exported like it is done for a table from the table list.

The SQL editor gives you all you need to comfortably write the queries: SQL syntax highlighting, UNDO/REDO feature, loading and saving files, supporting SQL parameters, storing history of executed queries etc.

You can simultaneously open as many SQL windows as you need. Data from multiple windows can be exported in one export operation.

Running multi-command scripts is also possible.

SQL editor

Export Menu

Export menu gives you an ability to choose what to export: current table or SQL query result, several selected tables [Enterprise] or even all tables [Enterprise] of the database at once. You can also copy the data from the opened data source to clipboard.

Export menu

Tools Menu

In Tools menu, there is a set of useful functions to operate with data: bookmarking, duplicating data, pasting tabular data from clipboard (copied from Excel, for example), printing data etc.

Tools menu

Registered Databases

The interface for working with registered databases allows to browse or edit the list of registered databases and their parameters. It is possible to edit database parameters either individually or in a batch (when selecting a group of databases).

Working with Registered Databases

Building Command Line for Data Export

Export operations can be performed via command line too. You can easily build needed command line directly from the GUI using interface which is very similar to regular Export dialog.

For your convenience, the command line parameters can be saved to action file. It is possible to execute action files either from command line or from GUI. You can create action files for different export cases and use them whenever you need to repeat your export actions.

The command line and action files can contain environment variables, which makes them very flexible.

Building command line for data exporting