Database Software

Exportizer Ordering

Here you can buy Exportizer Pro or Exportizer Enterprise software. Before proceeding, you might want to compare different Exportizer editions.

Please note that the Exportizer Pro and Exportizer Enterprise are fully functional trials. The trial period is 15 days. So you can test them before buying. After purchasing, you just activate the software with your activation key, without needing to reinstall.

Click here to download the trial(s) or proceed below.

Exportizer Pro

Buy Exportizer Pro

Exportizer Pro

Number of licenses Price per license in USD
1 29.00
2 26.00
3 23.00
4 20.50
5 18.00
6..10 16.00
11..20 15.00
21 and more 14.40
Upgrade from v.9 and below 15.00
Please contact us with your previous order details

Exportizer Enterprise

Buy Exportizer Enterprise

Exportizer Enterprise

Number of licenses Price per license in USD
1 49.00
2 44.00
3 39.00
4 34.00
5 29.00
6..10 25.00
11..20 23.00
21 and more 22.00
Upgrade from v.9 and below 25.00
Please contact us with your previous order details
- One user license gives the buyer the right to use both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the purchased software on one computer by one user.
- Volume discounts are based on single orders. Previous orders are not considered.
- Some purchase and post-purchase questions can be found in the FAQ.

After purchasing, you need to activate the application using Help | Register... menu.

Advantages for buyers

  1. Perpetual license.
  2. Non-limited royalty-free using the software for any legal purpose.
  3. 6 months of full technical support.
  4. Free upgrades for the entire major series. For example, if you purchase 9.0, you get all the 9.xx upgrades free.
  5. Discounts on upgrades to other major versions of the software (for example, from 9.xx to 10.xx).

Useful links
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