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Add .txt extension to all files without extension.

Example of desired result:



Create new project.
Add files without extension to the project. Hint: use mask *. (asterisk and period) to select such files.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Set constant extension action to extension action list. Specify txt as Extension parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.

Enumerate several thousand JPEG files starting from 101 with left zero padding. Change extensions of all files to .jpg.

Example of desired result:

Source Target
FileName0001.jpg 0101.jpg
FileName0002.jpeg 0102.jpg
FileName0003.JPG 0103.jpg
...   ...
FileName1000.JPG   1100.jpg
FileName1001.JPEG   1101.jpg
...   ...


Create new project.
Add needed files to the project. Hint: use mask *.jpg;*.jpeg to select such files.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Use enumeration action to file name action list. Specify 0101 as Enumeration schema parameter and Replace... as Schema applying parameter.
Add Set constant extension action to extension action list. Specify jpg as Extension parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.

In selected files, delete brackets and replace underscore symbols with spaces.

Example of desired result:

Export_Result.dbfExport Result.dbf
(Deep_Purple)_-_Owed_To_'G'.mp3Deep Purple - Owed To 'G'.mp3


Create new project.
Add needed files to the project.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Replace substring action to file name action list. Specify '_' (underscore) as Text to replace parameter and ' ' (space) as Replace with parameter.
Add Replace substring action to file name action list. Specify '(' (left bracket) as Text to replace parameter and leave blank Replace with parameter.
Add Replace substring action to file name action list. Specify ')' (right bracket) as Text to replace parameter and leave blank Replace with parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.

Rename group of MP3 files so, that their names look like 'Artist - Album - Title'. The needed data must be extracted from MP3 tags of each file.

Example of desired result:

FileName01.mp3Scorpions - Lovedrive - Holiday.mp3
FileName02.mp3Gipsy Kings - Pasajero - Pueblos.mp3
FileName03.mp3Deep Purple - Machine - Smoke On The Water.mp3


Create new project.
Add needed MP3 files to the project. Hint: use mask *.mp3 to select such files.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
<MP3TAG_ARTIST> + ' - ' + <MP3TAG_ALBUM> + ' - ' + <MP3TAG_TITLE>
as Expression parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.

Delete files from different folders, which have extension, starting with '~'.


Create new project.
Add needed files to the project. Hint: use mask *.~* to select such files.
Specify Move (Rename) as Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
as Expression parameter.
Create new folder and choose it as Target folder for the project.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.
After the project execution all selected files will be moved to target folder, so just delete the target folder with all files manually.

Spread files into multiple folders depending on their last modified date. The folder names must correspond YYYYMMDD mask. The file names must be left unchanged.

Example of desired result:



Create new project.
Add needed files to the project.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
format_date_time( file_last_modified( <FILE_PATH> ), 'YYYYMMDD' ) + '\' + <CURRENT_NAME>
as Expression parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.
Note: automatically creating of folders during process execution is available only in Rename Us Pro; in Rename Us, you can solve such task only if all target folders already exist.

Spread files into multiple folders depending on the year of the last modified date. The folders must be named by the year of the last modified date. The file names must be left unchanged.

Example of desired result:

Source Target
FileName01 2007


Create new project.
Add needed files to the project.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
format_date_time( file_last_modified( <FILE_PATH> ), 'YYYY' ) + '\' + <CURRENT_NAME>
as Expression parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.
Note: automatically creating of folders during process execution is available only in Rename Us Pro; in Rename Us, you can solve such task only if all target folders already exist.

Spread files into multiple folders depending on the file size. The files with size of 1Mb and above must be placed into LARGE_FILES folder, and others must be placed into SMALL_FILES folder.

Example of desired result:



Create new project.
Add needed files to the project.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
iif(file_size(<FILE_PATH>) >= 1024*1024, 'LARGE_FILES', 'SMALL_FILES') + '\' + <CURRENT_NAME>
as Expression parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.
Note: automatically creating of folders during process execution is available only in Rename Us Pro; in Rename Us, you can solve such task only if all target folders already exist.

Spread files into multiple folders depending on the file number. The files with numbers from 1 to 5 must be placed into folder named '1', the files with numbers from 6 to 10 must be placed into folder named '2', and so on.

Example of desired result:

Source Target
FileName01 1
FileName02 FileName01
FileName03 FileName02
FileName04 FileName03
FileName05 FileName04
FileName06 FileName05
FileName07 2
FileName08 FileName06
FileName09   FileName07
FileName10   FileName08
FileName11   FileName09
FileName12   FileName10


Create new project.
Add needed files to the project.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
to_string((<FILENO> - 1) DIV 5 + 1) + '\' + <CURRENT_NAME>
as Expression parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.
Note: automatically creating of folders during process execution is available only in Rename Us Pro; in Rename Us, you can solve such task only if all target folders already exist.

Spread MP3 files into multiple folders depending on the Artist, Year, and Album. The needed data must be extracted from MP3 tags of each file. The format of the new file names is 'Artist\Year - Album\TrackNo. Title'.

Example of desired result:

Source Target
Holiday.mp3 Scorpions
Blackout.mp3   1979 - Lovedrive
Dynamite.mp3    08. Holiday.mp3
Lovedrive.mp3    07. Lovedrive.mp3
Child In Time.mp3    03. Always Somewhere.mp3
Always Somewhere.mp3   1982 - Blackout
Speed King.mp3     06. Dynamite.mp3
     01. Blackout.mp3
  Deep Purple
    1970 - In Rock
      01. Child In Time.mp3
      03. Speed King.mp3


Create new project.
Add needed MP3 files to the project. Hint: use mask *.mp3 to select such files.
Make sure the files contain needed MP3 attributes.
Specify Main action for the project.
Add Expression action to file names action list. Specify
<MP3TAG_ARTIST> + '\' + <MP3TAG_YEAR> + ' - ' + <MP3TAG_ALBUM> + '\' + lpad(<MP3TAG_TRACK>, 2, '0') + '. ' + <MP3TAG_TITLE>
as Expression parameter.
Execute the project in test mode and check if the results satisfy your needs. If so, then execute the project in work mode.
Note: automatically creating of folders during process execution is available only in Rename Us Pro; in Rename Us, you can solve such task only if all target folders already exist.

Merge multiple file into a single file.


Merging files is possible by using a trick with extended log options.
On the Choose execution parameters page, specify the extended log file and define the extended log script as
When executing the renaming or copying actions, the content of each processed file will be extracted and added to the extended log file.
Note: Merging files is possible only in Rename Us Pro.