Icons from File Users' Guide vlsoftware.net

Extracting Icons

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To extract icons from any file, you may use the following ways:

1. Select the file using Select file button in the top left.

2. Select the file from list of the most recently used files (the dropdown list near Select file button). This list contains only file names without paths. The full path for each file is shown in status bar when moving the mouse over the list.

3. Drag the file from Windows Explorer and drop it into the program's work area.

4. Select the file from list of icons contained in files, which is shown at the bottom after search of icon containing files.

After selecting a file, all icons it contains will be shown in the work area. If the selected file does not contain any icons, the associated icon will be shown.

The program can extract either large icons or small ones. You can switch the size using the Options button.

No changes are made in the source file when extracting icons.

After the icons are shown, you can export them (all or selected) to graphic, HTML or DBF files, print them (all or selected) or copy the selected icon to the clipboard using the corresponding buttons.

If the selected file is edited outside the program after opening it in Icons from File, you can refresh its content using the Refresh button.