Firebird database file usually has .fdb extension. You can open it by several ways:

1. Opening through FD interface. Select FD interface, click Firebird, then fill all needed database parameters. Consult with your database administrator on how to choose correct parameters.

Example of configuring a database connection:

(colored are required parameters)

Vendor libraryC:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbclient.dll
OS authenticationNo
User nameSYSDBA
SQL command separator^

And an example from GUI:

Registering Firebird Database

2. Opening through ODBC DSN (interface: ADO or BDE). Select ODBC data source option and then select the ODBC DSN from the drop-down list. But first, you should create an ODBC DSN of the corresponding type using Windows administrative tools, and point it to the database file.

3. Opening by specifying file name (interface: ADO, BDE, or Interbase). Select File option and then specify the file name. Note: Interbase interface can be used for earlier Firebird versions because Firebird originated from Interbase 6.0, but using this interface for later Firebird versions was not tested.

4. Opening through connection string (interface: ADO). Select Connection string option and write a connection string. This way is the most flexible one because it allows to specify many additional parameters in the connection string and override standard Exportizer connection behavior. But it is recommended basically for advanced users. Here are basic connection strings (more examples and details can be found in the Internet):

DRIVER=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;DBNAME=HostNameOrIPAddr:C:\Databases\My_db.fdb;   (IBPhoenix Open Source ODBC Driver must be installed)

Firebird client must be installed. The bit-version of it (32 or 64) must match the bit-version of the application.
This database type is supported only in Exportizer Enterprise. Exportizer Pro can open such databases via ODBC only.
If you receive errors like 'Unavailable database' or 'Message length error', it means your Firebird client/server is not properly configured.

See also

 Connection Strings Examples

 Opening Interbase Databases