Rename Us Users' Guide new tab


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To view or change environment options for Rename Us, choose Options | Environment... menu.


Choose the name and size of the interface font, for example, Tahoma, Small.

Attention! Instead of changing the font size, consider changing scaling options in Windows. That is more correct way which provides the common style for all applications in your system.

Light/Dark Mode

Choose the light-dark mode for the application interface: light, dark, or relying on Windows settings. The last option is default.

For dark mode, a set of themes is available where you can select the most appropriate one.

Miscellaneous Options

Show hints

Determines whether a hint describing a control appears when the mouse pauses over the control. In any case, the hint will be displayed in the left part of the status bar of the main window.

Display full path in title bar

Set this option to display the full path of the currently opened project file in the title bar of the main window. Otherwise, short file name will be displayed.

Display original icons for .exe, .ico, .lnk files

Set this option to display original icons for files in the internal explorer and the project file list. This concerns .exe, .ico, .lnk files mainly. When the option is not set (default), the system defined icon for the corresponding file type is used. Note: When this option is set, the file lists require more time to refresh.

Automatically check for updates

When this option is set, the program will automatically check for updates (requires an active Internet connection).

Online Help

Turn this option on to use the online documentation instead of the local Help file (internet connection is required). Alternatively, you can download the Help file from new tab, unpack it to the application folder and turn this option off. In the latter case, you might need to update the local file from time to time to keep it up-to-date, for example, when a new software version is published; the software will notify you when the new help file is available on the site if the Automatically check for updates option is turned on.